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Fellowship ✭ Vocal Education ✭ Fun


Compete in an International Chorus Competition!

Vocal Revolution April-July Season:

  • Weekly Thursday Night Rehearsals (April-June)

  • Weekend Coaching Retreat (May 6-7)

  • International Competition in Charlotte, NC (July 5-9)

    • On-Site Rehearsals (July 6 & 7)

    • Competition Performance (July 8)

Audition Instructions

  1. Select Voice Part.

  2. Learn Audition Song.

  3. Record your Audition by 4/1.


Voice Parts

Vocal Revolution sings four-part, a cappella arrangements in the barbershop harmony style. Below is an overview of the four voice parts we are looking for:


Tenor (Tenor 1) is the highest part, harmonizing above the Lead. Notated in the top stave, Tenor stems always point up. Tenor singers should be very accurate comfortable singing in falsetto (or head voice) and capable of singing chromatic harmonies with a high degree of accuracy.


Lead (Tenor 2) is the second-highest part, singing the melody. Notated in the top stave, Lead stems always point down. Lead singers should have a confident and compelling vocal quality.


Baritone sings above and below the Lead. Notated in the bottom stave, Baritone stems always point up. Baritone singers should have a great ear for tricky harmonies. Because the Baritone is constantly filling in different parts of a chord, the unusual voice leading can be very challenging, especially to a novice singer.


Bass is the lowest part, singing foundational notes. Notated in the bottom stave, Bass stems always point down. Bass singers should be comfortable in their lower range with a resonant vocal quality.







Audition Song


The audition song is a short four-part arrangement of a song called “It’s A Brand New Day”. You can find learning materials (sheet music & part-predominant learning tracks) here.


You should use the part-predominant tracks to prepare, but your audition should be sung against the FULL MIX track.


How To Record


To record your audition, play the FULL MIX track on an external speaker.  Record yourself singing along to the track on the part of your choice. (Most smartphones are capable of recording at a suitable quality, but you are welcome to record with hardware of your choice)


We want to be able to hear your voice predominantly over the track, but we still want to hear the track in the background. Aim for a balance of 80% you & 20% track.


Don’t use any pitch correction or other audio effects on your audition.


If there are notes that are out of your range, this will not disqualify you from membership. Simply skip those notes and sing the ones that you can.


Submit audition here by April 1!



Please send any questions to


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Rehearsal Info:

7-10pm, Thursdays

Knights of Columbus

177 Bedford St. Lexington, MA 

Call or text us at 339 - 970 - 8720

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