The Greater Boston Chapter of the
Barbershop Harmony Society

Vocal Revolution is one of New England's premier a cappella performing groups, and the the highest-ranked men’s chorus ever in the Northeastern District (NED) of the Barbershop Harmony Society, with 17 District Championship titles.
VR commits itself to a high standard of musical excellence. With a focus on improving the technical, musical, and performative skills of its members, VR always leaves room for continuous growth, and prioritizes the sharing and embracing of joy in barbershop singing.
Originally founded in under the name Sounds of Concord in 1970, VR has persisted in the realm of BHS for over 50 years. Members of VR come and go, but the heart of the group still remains strong, with many members celebrating multiple decades of tenure within the chorus.
VR is committed to giving back to its community in every way possible. In addition to sponsoring the next generation of barbershop singers via music education programs, VR hosts a number of shows throughout the year alongside its SSAA sibling chorus VocaMotion.